Decentralized Lending Protocol Adalend Listing i luga ole BSCPad, ADAPad, VelasPad, PulsePad, ETHPad Launchpads

Decentralized Lending Protocol Adalend Listing on BSCPad, ADAPad, VelasPad, PulsePad, ETHPad Launchpads




E ui o le cryptocurrency ma le blockchain technology e fou lava, ae ua vave ona latou tuputupu ae, faatasi ai ma kamupani o loʻo faʻaogaina lenei tekonolosi fou, faʻafouina, ma faʻalavelave lea ua toe faʻafouina ai le tele o alamanuia, e taʻua o le vaega tau tupe.

The lending industry is currently a multi-billion dollar industry, with loans being provided by banks and other financial institutions to individuals and businesses alike; nevertheless, it’s been plagued by trust and transparency issues. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology has led to the rise of a new generation of financing platforms like ADALend, aiming to solve these problems by creating a transparent and trustless platform for lenders and borrowers. 

O le a le ADALend?

ADALend o se faʻasalalauga tuʻufaʻatasia tuʻufaʻatasia e fausia i luga o le poloka poloka Cardano. O le sini o le poloketi o le ofoina atu lea o se faʻasalalauga faʻapitoa e sili atu le tuʻufaʻatasia, taugofie, ma vave atu nai lo le faiga masani o teugatupe, faʻatasi ai ma atinaʻe gafatia ma malosi e mafai ona faʻatautaia fefaʻatauaiga tetele.

ADALend o loʻo ofoina atu ana oloa ma auʻaunaga e faʻaaoga ai tekinolosi sili ona lata mai ma sili ona lelei poloka poloka o loʻo maua, o se faʻataʻitaʻiga o isi poloketi DeFi o le a mulimulitaʻia i le lumanaʻi ina ia mafai ai ona faʻatautaia le tuputupu aʻe, faʻalauteleina, ma le vaetamaina e avea o se tulaga masani. isi mea.

The company was founded by a group of individuals interested in exploring the potential of blockchain technology in the financial sector. By creating a trustless and truly decentralized lending environment, the developers will provide people worldwide access to financial products at their fingertips, rather than going to traditional banks.




Fa'alauiloa IDO lata mai

O le faʻasalalauga tuʻufaʻatasia, ADALend, ua sauni e faʻalauiloa lana IDO i le aso 11 o Mati, 2022. O le a avanoa le IDO mo le auai i luga o faʻasalalauga nei:

Mo tulaga tonu ma tulafono o le auai, tagai i tuutuuga ma aiaiga taitasi o le launchpad.

With the successful launch of its IDO, ADALend is moving on to its next stage in its mission to continue creating a decentralized lending ecosystem that is more inclusive and accessible to all. The platform will continue to evolve as new features are added; stay up to date by following ADALend to find out more information about the upcoming roadmap and planned future developments.

Manatu mulimuli 

As I mentioned at the start of this article, the lending industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Decentralized lenders could capture this potential revenue, but only a handful of platforms have made notable moves into this space so far. Of those that have, ADALend has opted to position itself as a leader in this new financial sector paradigm that is currently being realized.

E uiga i ADALend:

Auai i la matou Discord:
