Kenese Coin Inc, Faʻamalosia le 35% o le Global Bitcoin ATM Transactions, Mauaina e Bitstop Founders

Miami, Florida, 24 Ianuari, 2023, Chainwire

O Kenese Coin Inc, o le muamua ma le tele o Bitcoin ATM polokalama faakomepiuta i le lalolagi atoa na faasilasilaina i aso nei ua latou mauaina e uluai paionia Bitcoin ATM Andrew Barnard ma Doug Carrillo.

O e sailia ni vave-tala, vevela-fesoasoani ma maketiina auiliiliga?

Saini-luga mo le Invezz nusipepa, aso nei.

Fa'atūina i le 2013, o malosiaga fa'atekonolosi a Kenese Coin e tusa ma le 35% o fefa'atauaiga a Bitcoin ATM i le lalolagi. Barnard ma Carrillo, o ia foi na faavaeina Bitstop, na fausia le muamua ma sili ona tele-igoa tumaoti Bitcoin ATM platform faavae i Miami, FL ma sili atu i le 2,500+ Bitcoin ATM i le lalolagi atoa. Kenese Coin ma Bitstop o loʻo faʻatusalia i luga o le 75+ tagata faʻatautaia o loʻo faʻaogaina le 12,000+ Bitcoin ATMs i le Iunaite Setete ma maketi faavaomalo o loʻo faʻamalosia le faitau piliona o tala i le aofaʻi o faʻatauga faaletausaga.

I le avea ai o se vaega o le mauaina, o Andrew Barnard o le a avea ma Ofisa Sili o Pulega ma Doug Carrillo o le a avea ma Ofisa Sili o Fuafuaga ma o le a auai uma i laua i le Komiti Faatonu o le Genesis Coin. O Evan Rose, o le na faavaeina le Genesis Coin, o le a tumau pea o se faufautua faʻapitoa ma tumau pea o se sui o le Komiti Faʻatonu a le kamupani. O le ofisa autu o Kenese Coin o le a siitia atu i Miami, Florida.

"Kenese Coin na fanau mai ai le pisinisi Bitcoin ATM," fai mai Barnard. “O le muamua ma le tele o Bitcoin ATM polokalama faakomepiuta i le Lalolagi. Na fausia e Evan se fa'avae fa'atuatuaina e nisi o le tele o kamupani Bitcoin ATM i la tatou pisinisi, i totonu o le atunu'u ma fa'avaomalo, e aofia ai le feso'ota'iga a Chivo i faiga fa'apa'aga ma le Malo o El Salvador.

O la tatou pisinisi ua vave ona suia ma Genesis Coin o le a taʻitaʻia le auala i le lumanaʻi. O le fa'ataunu'uina o lenei mea e mana'omia ai se 'au mautu o tagata va'ai va'ava'ai a le lalolagi ma atina'e. I Bitstop, na matou fausia ai se 'au fa'akomepiuta mata'ina ma fa'avae lea na faipa'aga ma nisi o kamupani tetele e le gata i pisinisi tumaoti ma fa'alaua'itele mai le pisinisi ATM masani. Matou te fuafua e aumai o matou talaaga ma tomai i le fausiaina o tekinolosi sili ona lelei ma le 'au i le pisinisi Bitcoin ATM i le Genesis Coin. Matou te talitonu o se manumalo-manumalo lea mo paaga uma, ”o le faaopoopo lea a Barnard.

“Andrew, Doug, and I have been friends for a long time and have also been friendly competitors,” commented Rose. “They have a reputation for their innovative and creative thinking. In addition, they have been successful in establishing key relationships in the Bitcoin space and their technical expertise and knowledge of Bitcoin is very impressive. In turn, this has allowed them to attract and retain top-tier talent and build great products. This transaction represents the coming together of the two leading software platforms in the industry and creates value for both companies’ stakeholders. It combines the best product, engineering, and leadership teams in the space. I’m thrilled to work alongside them and look forward to introducing very exciting new products and services we have planned for this year,” commented Rose.

Na faamamafaina e Barnard, Carrillo ma Rose le taua o le faʻaauau pea ona tuʻuina atu le mautu i tulaga uma e lua ma faʻaauau pea ona tautua manaʻoga o tagata faʻatautaia i luga o tulaga uma e lua. Mo le taimi nei, o le Genesis Coin ma Bitstop platforms o le a faʻaauau pea ona taʻavale tutoʻatasi aʻo suʻesuʻeina fesoʻotaʻiga faʻapitoa. Ua uma ona faia e le Kenese Coin le tele o tagata faigaluega autu i lana au atinaʻe ma le taulaiga autu i le atinaʻeina o oloa.

“This acquisition represents the most significant event in the Bitcoin ATM industry to date,” said Carrillo. “Our commitment is to provide Genesis Coin with the proper resources it needs to pave the way for continued growth and innovation. We truly believe that this new combination of the best minds in our space will be the catalyst for the Bitcoin ATM industry evolving into its next phase. We are hyper-focused on building the best software for Bitcoin ATMs in the world. Today, the most sophisticated operators in our industry rely on Genesis Coin and Bitstop technology to power their businesses. As a result, we have become ‘The Standard’ in the Bitcoin ATM space where virtually all industry organic M&A activity today is occurring on the Genesis Coin and Bitstop networks.” concluded Carrillo.

“Leverage dominated the entire cryptocurrency space over the last two years. Many other platforms in our industry couldn’t resist the siren song,” said Barnard. “This is a capital-intensive industry where you do not want to be in a lot of debt. Genesis Coin is financially secure with a strong balance sheet, no debt, and strong cash flow. The company does not have external investors. The result of this is that operators can build their future on the Genesis Coin platform with confidence. In a volatile industry, we are a beacon of stability. We are bullish on the potential of this industry. We see significant market growth from here over the next 10 years. We believe we are in the best position in the industry to unite the very best operators and support their growth. Our goal is to listen to our operators and deliver the very best products and features to them so they can deliver maximum value to their customers at scale,” concluded Barnard.

E uiga i Kenese Coin

Kenese Coin o le muamua ma sili ona paʻepaʻe igoa Bitcoin ATM network i le lalolagi atoa. O matou o le kamupani muamua e tuʻuina atu fofo faʻatau tutoʻatasi mo bitcoin. O le fa'atonuga a le Genesis Coin o lo'o fa'atonuina le fa'aogaina o polokalame fa'akomepiuta ua fa'aoso ai e avea ma kamupani aupito tele e tu'uina atu Bitcoin ATMs ma polokalama fa'afaigofie le fa'atauina ma le fa'atauina atu o le faitau piliona o tala i cryptocurrencies i le lalolagi i tausaga ta'itasi. O le polokalama fa'akomepiuta a Genesis Coin e maua ai e tagata fa'atau se fa'atonuga fa'alagolago, fa'atulagaina fa'aogaina. O lo'o tu'uina atu e le Kenese Coin ana polokalama fa'akomepiuta e ala i le fa'atauina atu o BTMs i vaega lona tolu o lo'o tu'uina atu avanoa mo pisinisi o lo'o va'ava'ai e fa'avasega a latou tupe maua ma fa'asolo atu feoaiga i o latou nofoaga. O a matou masini e faʻafaigofie bitcoin mo tagata uma.


CEO Andrew Barnard, Genesis Coin Inc, [imeli puipuia]
