NFT Collection Fast Food Frens Collection Tau, Fa'amaumauga, ma Toe Iloilo...

What is an Fast Food Frens Collection?

Fast Food Frens Collection are a non-fungible tokens collection built on the Ethereum network launched in 28 August, 2021. 1,227 items of the Fast Food Frens Collection collection can now be viewed at OpenSea.

How many owners does the Fast Food Frens Collection collection have?

O le aofaʻi o tagata e ona ua oʻo atu i le 545 i totonu ole 562 aso talu ona faʻamalolo.

NFT Collection Fast Food Frens Collection Price and Sales

The market capitalization of Fast Food Frens Collection NFT collection is 7.36 ETH. Since created the Fast Food Frens Collection, 6,155 collections sales were made at an average price of 0.22 ETH (~$344.61 at the time of writing). This created a total volume in 1,337.871 ETH. The floor price of Fast Food Frens Collection is 0.029 and the 30-day trading volume is kept at 0.04 ETH. The payment tokens of the Fast Food Frens Collection collection are ETH, DAI, WETH, USDC.

Aisea e taugata ai nisi NFT ae leai?

O NFTs e matua fou lava i le fa'aogaina o le si'osi'omaga poloka ma o lo'o i ai pea i lo latou pepe. O se maketi o loʻo faʻaalia lona uiga e leai se faʻamatalaga faʻasolopito poʻo se faʻamuamua e mafai ona fesoasoani i le fuafuaina o le tau o se NFT. O galuega fa'atino a le NFT na amata i le amataga o le fa'atupula'ia o le maketi ua maua ai le fa'atulafonoina ona sa latou maua le avanoa muamua. O nei poloketi NFT "faʻavaeina" ua maua foi le avanoa e faʻaleleia ai ma aʻoaʻo mai i mataupu na afaina ai le maketi o le NFT ma, i se auala, ua sili atu ona taua. Ina ua lele le NFT boom, e toʻatele tagata na latou mauaina tupe mama i tua atu oa latou miti sili ona leaga, ma maua ai se avanoa mo avanoa e faʻaogaina ai le faʻatupulaia o maketi. E ui o nisi NFTs e mafai ona manatu i ata numera, na faia e se tusiata na te iloa le taua o le NFT e mafai ona faʻaopoopo i le avanoa fatufatuaʻi, o isi na faia mama mai le matapeʻapeʻa ma se manaʻoga e faʻaogaina le tele o le tuputupu aʻe o maketi. O galuega faatino a le NFT e mafua mai i le matape'ape'a ma le fa'aogaina e masani ona leai se aoga ma e i'u ai lava i lapisi.

Is the Fast Food Frens Collection Collection Over or Underpriced?

It is difficult to determine whether NFTs from the Fast Food Frens Collection collection is overpriced or underpriced. Making such an assessment will become clearer when the market for NFTs and metaverses develops more actively. The price is also influenced by how the Fast Food Frens Collection collection is developed and promoted by its creators and community.

Fast Food Frens Collection NFT Collection Examples

Fast Food Fren #0

Fast Food Fren #0

Fast Food Fren #25

Fast Food Fren #25

Fast Food Fren #38

Fast Food Fren #38

Fast Food Fren #44

Fast Food Fren #44

Fast Food Frens Collection fees

  • Totogi fa'atau i le dev: 0 fa'avae togi
  • Totogi fa'atau i le dev: 690 fa'avae togi
  • Totogi fa'atau ile 0 fa'avae togi
  • Totogi fa'atau ile 250 fa'avae
  • Totogi fa'atau: 0 fa'avae togi
  • Totogi fa'atau: 940 fa'avae

Fast Food Frens Collection editors list

The approved editor’s accounts of Fast Food Frens Collection collection are 0x2fe1efcde217ee4e436fb2bb89fa2a77f3f11db2.

Talosaga Teteʻe: O lenei tusitusiga ua saunia mo faʻamatalaga naʻo mafuaʻaga. E le ofaina pe faʻamoemoe e faʻaaoga e faʻatulafono, lafoga, inivesi, tupe, poʻo isi fautuaga.
